"Inspire. Disrupt. Create. Evolve. Together." 2nd Disruption Disciples event #Zurich, 26th NOV 2019
"Inspire. Disrupt. Create. Evolve. Together."
Happy to speak about "Art Market Disruption" at the 2nd Disruption Disciples #zurich chapter event among 3 other amazing women, who will share what they are passionate about:#Finance, #Privacy and #Work. The event will take place at #Ginetta on 26th November at 18.00 where managing director Ilona Baier will kick-off and set the stage for another unforgettable #DisruptionDisciples event in 2019 for our community and welcoming the following Superwomen on stage: 1) The push model of finance and the attention economy (Efi Pylarinou , Global #FinTech Influencer) 2) Art Market Disruption (Kate Vasilieva, Founder Kate Vass Galerie) #arttech 3) Tightrope walk between privacy and social media (Nora Rümbeli, Head of Data Protection at a bank) 4) From surviving to thriving: How STEM mentoring can change your life (JANET T. PHAN, Founder of Thriving Elements). The presentations will be followed by a networking apéro to enjoy the evening and talk about the keynote topics as well as #innovation,#AI, #blockchain,#RegTech, #FinTech and much more. Register for the event here: https://willcome.to/disruptiondisciples
The event is free and everyone is welcome!