We are glad to release this exclusive interview with generative artist Jared S Tarbell in the context of our current exhibition ‘Game of Life - Emergence in Generative Art’ curated by Jason Bailey. As promised to our audience, this is the first one from a series of interviews which will be published during the upcoming weeks as part of the program set for this exhibition.

The show explores the concept that very simple systems or sets of rules can explain much of the complex behaviour we see in the world around us. This idea of ‘complexity evolving from simplicity’ is core to Jared’s work.

At its best, art is transcendent and sublime. However, few artists can regularly create works that evoke feelings of awe and wonder on that level in its viewers. Even fewer artists have managed to do this by writing code on a computer, a tool which many consider to be at odds with natural beauty, and sometimes even nature itself.

Among generative artists, Jared S Tarbell is singular in his ability to continuously create works that rival nature in both their complexity and grace. He has been doing so for decades. Tarbell’s work is beyond timeless. The images he created in the early 2000s still feel like they are light years ahead of where we are with generative art today.

We invite you enjoy the interview on Artnome here, the full version will be published in full in our Special edition digital magazine “Collecting generative art”, edition X, available for pre-orders in our store.


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Kjetil Golid