PwC: Blockchain & Law - An afternoon with the global legal and academic experts @ TRUST SQUARE
Yesterday we joined the PwC „Blockchain & Law“ event at TRUST SQUARE in Zürich for an afternoon with the global legal and academic experts!
The business community is rapidly recognising that blockchain goes way beyond cryptocurrencies. Many are predicting that before long, smart contracts will have transformed interactions between the different economic players in ecosystems – in fact the entire way we do business.
Once again the thought-provoking afternoon featured some of the leading minds in blockchain, including Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Head of the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center as well as PwC’s legal, financial services and digital experts Dr. Günther Dobrauz, Tina Balzli, Priit Lätt and Frederik Gregaard. Marina Niforos, Logos Global Advisors and Member EU Blockchain Observatory, was supposed to attend too, but unfortunately she had to cancel.
When talking about tokenisation of assets purely on-chain, we firmly believe art can be one. As a matter of fact, the artist duo John Watkinson & Matt Hall from Larva Labs brilliantly developed Autoglyphs: the first “on-chain” generative art on the Ethereum blockchain, they are a completely self-contained mechanism for the creation and ownership of an artwork.
Autoglyphs are an experiment in generative art, each one unique and created by code running on the Ethereum blockchain. A glyph can be created by anyone who is willing to donate the creation fee of 0.20Ξ ($51) to a selected charity, The creator of the glyph will then also become the first owner of the glyph. However, after 512 glyphs have been created, the generator will shut itself off forever and the glyphs will only be available on the secondary market.
Now that the artists have deployed the project to Ethereum, it is important to note that they no longer control the code that generates the art, nor the code that manages the ownership of the glyphs. This is a crucial difference from art that is normally editioned and sold. It allows a long-term guarantee of ownership, provenance and edition size that is independent of any central authority.
The work will be exhibited in May in Montreal during ISEA2020, the International Symposium on Electronic Art, one of the world’s most prominent international arts and technology events, which brings together scholarly, artistic, and scientific domains in an interdisciplinary discussion and showcase of creative productions applying new technologies in art, interactivity, and electronic and digital media.