terra0 is an evolving prototype built on the Ethereum network that aims to provide automated ecosystem resilience frameworks. Via instantiating a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation atop areas of land to manage them, terra0 aims to create technologically-augmented ecosystems that are more resilient, and able to act within a predetermined set of rules in the economic sphere as agents in their own right.
It has been exhibited at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia, Ars Electronica, Biennale de Lyon, Drugo More, Furtherfield Gallery, Schinkel Pavillon, transmediale and Vienna Biennale, among others.
Flowertoken n.100, 2018
Dried and arranged Flower Number 100
on a printed sheet including trade and valorisation statistics
Size: 93 x 64 cm
Exhibited at “Perfect and Priceless” show, Zürich, Kate Vass Galerie, 2018-2019
Flowertokens is an experimental project centered around the tokenization and verification of natural commodities, and a first attempt at creating a combined crypto-collectible physical asset. The physical installation consists of a grow rack, 100 Dahlias and a web interface which provides the current condition of the tokenized flowers. Every plant is represented by and tied to an individual ERC721-standard flowertoken held on the Ethereum mainnet. The setup is monitored 24/7 by a camera system which will provide images for the website, as well as data for a computer vision program which will update the tokens’ states once a day according to their respective flower’s condition.Users can interact with the project via the website. As well as acting as a portal to the physical installation, the website doubles as a marketplace where users and visitors can sell or buy tokenized plants, as well as look at the plants’ ownership status, current value, species, age, size, and health.
Three hours after the start of the project in July, all flowertokens were bought. The Project generated till now around 450 Transactions on the Mainnet with over 100 anonymous individuals buying and selling. For this exhibition, terra0 generated an artefact from the installation: The dried and arranged Flower Number 100 on a printed sheet including trade and valorisation statistics.
Flowertokens further marks the beginning of a series of projects oriented around these themes from terra0 – a group of artists, developers and researchers involved in the planning and creation of hybrid ecosystems.