Annual catalogue, 2024
To celebrate the milestones of 2024, we invite you to explore our Annual Catalogue, featuring the most significant projects, exhibitions, and art fairs we participated in, as well as showcasing artworks that have defined the year.
As we reflect on the highlights of this year, we are excited to present two exclusive features in this catalogue: 15 works from David Young’s famous “Learning Nature” series (2019–2020), available as unique prints and NFTs, in which he used machine learning to train a computer with photographs of flowers he had captured, and Memo Akten’s early video/music works (2018–2020), showcased at Untitled Art Fair, where Akten used BigGAN and AI models he developed to create the moving images and composed the accompanying music entirely himself (without the use of AI).
To celebrate the milestones of 2024, we invite you to explore our Annual Catalogue, featuring the most significant projects, exhibitions, and art fairs we participated in, as well as showcasing artworks that have defined the year.
As we reflect on the highlights of this year, we are excited to present two exclusive features in this catalogue: 15 works from David Young’s famous “Learning Nature” series (2019–2020), available as unique prints and NFTs, in which he used machine learning to train a computer with photographs of flowers he had captured, and Memo Akten’s early video/music works (2018–2020), showcased at Untitled Art Fair, where Akten used BigGAN and AI models he developed to create the moving images and composed the accompanying music entirely himself (without the use of AI).
To celebrate the milestones of 2024, we invite you to explore our Annual Catalogue, featuring the most significant projects, exhibitions, and art fairs we participated in, as well as showcasing artworks that have defined the year.
As we reflect on the highlights of this year, we are excited to present two exclusive features in this catalogue: 15 works from David Young’s famous “Learning Nature” series (2019–2020), available as unique prints and NFTs, in which he used machine learning to train a computer with photographs of flowers he had captured, and Memo Akten’s early video/music works (2018–2020), showcased at Untitled Art Fair, where Akten used BigGAN and AI models he developed to create the moving images and composed the accompanying music entirely himself (without the use of AI).