Ganbrood: Somnivm - Ed. 15. Digital Version
In this issue:
Interview with the artist I.: Ganbrood on developing a unique style, the serendipity of AI and the pace of change - by
Interview with the artist II.: Ganbrood - by
Interview with the artist III.: Slowing down with... Bas Uterwijk (Ganbrood) - by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez on
On Display – S O M N I V M by Ganbrood
Catalogue of works
Current show – ‘Dear Machine, paint for me' - group show curated by Kate Vass & Georg Bak
In this issue:
Interview with the artist I.: Ganbrood on developing a unique style, the serendipity of AI and the pace of change - by
Interview with the artist II.: Ganbrood - by
Interview with the artist III.: Slowing down with... Bas Uterwijk (Ganbrood) - by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez on
On Display – S O M N I V M by Ganbrood
Catalogue of works
Current show – ‘Dear Machine, paint for me' - group show curated by Kate Vass & Georg Bak
In this issue:
Interview with the artist I.: Ganbrood on developing a unique style, the serendipity of AI and the pace of change - by
Interview with the artist II.: Ganbrood - by
Interview with the artist III.: Slowing down with... Bas Uterwijk (Ganbrood) - by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez on
On Display – S O M N I V M by Ganbrood
Catalogue of works
Current show – ‘Dear Machine, paint for me' - group show curated by Kate Vass & Georg Bak